Saturday, December 20, 2014

Is Finding True Columbus the Americas?

Many nations acknowledge Columbus first stepped on the continent.
Christopher Columbus became famous as the man who opened the American continent. In 1492 he sailed from Spain to the West Indies. But Columbus's voyage was not a trip for the first time carried out by the Americans. It is probable that before he set foot on land in the west, the Chinese, the Vikings, Ireland, and even the Phenicia have visited the beaches before. Thus arises the question, who exactly had discovered America. Investigations with carbon system found that at least twelve thousand years ago people lived in the Americas already. Now people believe that "outsiders" who first reached the continent is the Mongoloid (like the Mongols; has the characteristics of the Mongols, including the Mongolian race) from eastern Russia. They crossed into Alaska around forty thousand years ago, through a piece of the Bering Strait land bridge, which had long since ceased to exist. They then walked along the Pacific coast into the Central and South America.

A strange discovery, which puts human life in the Americas parallel to the mammoth ever found on the continent; occurred at a farm in Tepexpan, twenty miles north-east of Mexico City in 1950. Farmers Jose Cortes was digging a trench for a water channel when his shovel on something hard. When the land was set aside where he found the carcass of a mammoth that has become fossilized. When fossil was examined by experts paleontology Mexico, was found in a cavity in the ribs end weapons. It appears that the animal had been trapped into the mud and making a helpless prey to a group of hunters armed with spears and stone tools.
Simple tools made of stone and animal bones that may have come from the same culture, people have found in Siberia, Alaska, the Yukon River and Mexico. Thereby further strengthens the theory that people have been scattered into the Americas from Asia.

A question that the Chinese have discovered America in the year 458, was given not long ago by a professor at Peking University Shien Chu-chi. He said, a Buddhist monk, Hoen Shin, once sailed across the North Pacific ocean with four other monks and landed a spot on the coast of Central America, possibly in Mexico. Hoen Shin Fusang country's call, following the name of the mirib plants with plants in the country of China.

Austrian ethnology expert Robert von Heine Geldern step further. He assured the Chinese influence on the development of civilization in America about two hundred years BC. Indeed, the results of sculptures and statues in the ruins of the cities in America was the same as that used in Buddhism. China's oldest manuscript Shan Hai King from year 2250 BC contains a depiction of the canyon now well known as the Grand Canyon.

The possibility of crossing the Pacific Ocean to the even earlier than 2000 BC indicated by the discovery of pottery on the beach Valdivia Ecuador dating from 3000 BC. Pottery items that must have come from Japan, because decorated in the same way as the Jomon pottery area in the country.

Regarding next to the Atlantic coast is said that the monks of Ireland have visited North America around the sixth century. A Latin manuscript of the tenth century Navigatio Sancti Brendani recounts the journey of a character named St. Brendan. In the year 540 St. Brendan together a group of fourteen other monks embarked on a journey to find "the land that had been promised by the holy man". The manuscript contains a lot of the things that are very surprising and thought pious, so for many years considered as a collection of stories. He said, Brendan in his journey has been aided by a whale and led from time to time by the angels who appeared as a bird. But modern scientists found that the trip did happen, though perhaps not all of them led by Brendan.

According to the script Naviatio, Brendan who is an experienced sailor and navigator, is thought to have sailed to "yaaang country has promised to the saints" of Kerry; in a wood framed boat, but covered with the skin of the bull and greased with butter so opaque water. This group is rather to take the direction of the North and then met with a floating crystals. This may mean that they have met with huge icebergs and has sailed around Greenland and into the Davis strait known for floating ice. They passed through a thick foggy area, which is probably the scorched-footed Newfoundland, where the heat flow of the Gulf Stream currents meet with the north pole. This group met with whales and "big-eyed beast, has fangs, belly patches and bearded jaw". Could it be that this meant a mermaid? Before they reached the land of the sun radiates heat like in the spring. The meaning of this last one is Labrador.

Then Brendan and his companions landed on a flat island yagn tropical climate. The island is full of strange herbs, surrounded by water so clear and inhabited by birds are very beautiful and tiny people whose skin is dark. Brendan might have sailed south on the east side of North America without seeing land and arrive at an island in the Bahamas. People dwarf called Brendan probably the Arawak people, which is a native of the Bahamas islands.

Brendan and his group went on his way and find another country, which is full of charm, beautiful like a flower and full of blessing, which is now estimated is Florida area.
The whole story was hard to believe, because of the new written after the event through the centuries. Perhaps the story has a lot of plus-add. But the old story about the heroic people of ancient Scandinavian acknowledge that the Irish people have arrived in the US before.

Trip Vikings (bold Scandinavian pirates raiding coastal towns and ports European rivers between 700 and 900) to North America is now a fact of history that is not in doubt. The ancient Scandinavians traveling through Iceland and Greenland under the leadership of Leif Ericson, and reached the coast of North America in the year 1000. The story of the perilous journey across the sea to the land, the tale is told in ancient Scandinavia. Written in Iceland between 1320 and 1350. People pay less attention to this epic tale, until the time these stories are checked back in 1837. It turns out that the depiction of climate, geography and life in accordance with the original Vinland is located on the coast of New England in America East section. Recent discovery, found eight houses made of stone from the foundation, four houseboats, an iron workshop, holes and equipment for cooking at L'Anse aux Meadows. According to the method of age determination of carbon, are all derived from the Viking era. A strong reason to believe the story of Leif Ericson because most likely he founded the settlement on arrival in North America. These findings, according to Dr. Helge Ingstad of Norway who helped in the effort, said: "This fact has given the first Archaeological evidence of undeniable that the Europeans had come to America centuries before Columbus's voyage in 1492." But there is disagreement whether those the Vikings had been entered into the mainland or confine himself only to perjelajahan coastal areas only.
In 1898 a farmer whose land clearing in Kensington, Minnesota found a use within staggering. When he dug root of the tree, he found a sheet of square stone two and a half feet high and six inches thick. An article consisting of two hundred and twenty letters engraved on the surface and on one side. Allegedly writing was associated with a group that consists of thirty people of Norway and the Goths who are traveling to find something on the ground to the west of Vinland in 1862. In the article it is told about the carnage. In the event that ten members of the group were killed. Many experts have rejected as a hoax goods made in the nineteenth century. Others say it is genuine goods, and if the goods were counterfeit, the forgers must have exceptional knowledge in the fields of history, geology, and the dialect of ancient Scandinavia.

Viking Ship

Some scholars expressed the opinion that in Rwode Island Newport Tower is a building that established the Vikings. The tower round shape and height of twenty-four feet, he is a former church. Other people disagree and say that the building was the work of the Europeans who settled in America in the sixteenth century and seventeenth.
"Vinland Map" is a map of the world which he made by a Swiss monk in 1440, but this statement has been the subject of heated debate for years. Maps obtained Yale University in 1965, it clearly illustrates the location of Vinland in North America. Experts on both sides of the Atlantic have determined the age of the maps with the carbon system and claimed it for the genuine article. But lately some ink from American analysts who study the elements of the map that stated their belief that the map is a fake objects made in the twentieth century.

Meanwhile, a collection of stone megaliths in New Hampshire Telam cause of thought among archaeologists Americans lately; whether it came from the UK, or at least from the Celts. Retuntuhan it is located in a place, which is precisely called Miystery Hill or hill mister; consists of 22 stone cottages, walls, hallways and something that appears as a table to direct sound. Iron stone blocks of local origin giant upright because it is too heavy or stacked horizontally. Beam that one always seems a little more prominent than the others (corbelled Vaulating).

Thousands of man-made items from various periods of time and culture have been found at the site, including a number of inscribed stone. Its language is the language of Ogham, the ancient language of the Irish and Picts (those who in ancient times lived in the northern part of Great Britain). Dr Barry Fell and Harvard University have studied the stones for years and determine the stones came from circa 800 BC to the third century AD.

British historian, Ashe, visited the site in 1960 and said that it might have come from the days when Cronus (a character in Greek mythology, he is the master of the universe, until he was deposed by his son, Zeus). According to Homer, Cronus banished to the land where the sun never sets, which is located in the northwest of the Mediterranean Sea. In the Odyssey, written by Homer, Odysseus (the hero of the story written by Homer, Odyssey, he was a famous king of Ithaca wise and ingenious) sailed to the limits of the world away to the land of Commerian, an area filled with fog and darkness, which some interpreted as Newfoundland.

In an investigation conducted by the serious yagn fiction, Andre Norton, he argued that the results of his reflections Mystery Hill is perhaps the township people Phoenicia and Carthago (Phoenicia is a kingdom in the Mediterranean Sea in the east and Tunisia in North Africa is located near the city of Tunis that now. Carthago is one of the colony founded by people of Phoenicia).

In 335 BC, Aristotle in his list which contains 178 miracle, miracle number 84 calls as a country across the ocean by people Phoenicia strictly kept secret in the interest of trade. People Phoenicia without a doubt is the best sailors in the world in ancient times. They had been sailing around Africa and established trade networks that include places located far from each other, such as Africa, India, Cyprus, and Spain. Based on interpretations of texts of Plato and Diodorus, they also trade with America about the year 1000 BC.

Causes And Prevention Of Milk Allergy

Milk allergy is the most common food allergies in children. In addition to regular cow's milk, goat's milk, sheep and buffalo also can cause allergic reactions. And some children who are allergic to cow's milk are also allergic to soy milk.

Milk allergy usually occur a few minutes to a few hours after you consume milk. Signs and symptoms of milk allergy vary from mild to severe and can occur shortness of breath, vomiting, itchy red spots on the skin and digestive problems. In rare cases, milk allergy can cause anaphylaxis -reaksi severe life-threatening. Avoiding dairy products is the best way to treat allergies. Most children will have a milk allergy by the age of 3 years.

Milk allergy symptoms vary in each person and occur within a few minutes to several hours after ingesting milk.

Signs and symptoms of milk allergy that occurs immediately after consuming milk, among others:
• rash with itching of the skin
• shortness of breath
• Vomiting

Signs and symptoms of milk allergy who need more time to emerge, among others:
• watery stools, which may contain blood
• Diarrhea
• stomach cramps
• Cough or shortness of breath
• Runny nose
• Watery eyes
• itchy skin rash, often around the mouth
• Colic, in infants

Milk allergy or milk intolerance (inability to digest milk)?
It is important to distinguish between milk allergy to milk or lactose intolerance. Unlike a milk allergy, milk intolerance is not related to the body's immune system. Intolerance to milk causes different symptoms and require different treatment from a milk allergy. Signs and symptoms of milk intolerance include digestive problems, such as bloating or diarrhea after consuming milk or dairy products.

In rare cases, milk allergy can cause anaphylaxis, a life-threatening reaction that can narrow down and blocking the airway. If you or your child has a reaction to milk, tell your doctor about it no matter how mild reaction. Inspection can help ensure a milk allergy, so you can take steps to avoid a bad reaction in the future. Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency and requires treatment with injectable epinephrine (adrenaline). Signs and symptoms that began after consuming milk, among others:
• Damage to the respiratory tract, such as swelling of the throat making it difficult to breathe
• Face sweating
• Itching
• Shocked, with a severe drop in blood pressure
Causes & Risk Factors

All milk allergy is caused by the body's immune system malfunctions. Your immune system identifies the milk protein is harmful to your body, triggering the production of immunoglobulin E (IgE) to neutralize the protein (which is considered as allergens). Henceforth, if you come in contact with these proteins, these IgE antibodies will know and send signals to the body's immune system to release histamine and other chemicals. Histamine and other chemicals cause a variety of signs and symptoms. Take on the role of histamine in allergic reactions, among others runny nose, itchy eyes, sore throat, rash, itchy rash, nausea, diarrhea, shortness of breath and anaphylaxis.

There are two types of proteins in cow's milk that can cause an allergic reaction:
• Casein, which is found in milk were frozen solid part
• Whey, which is found in the liquid part of milk that remains after milk frozen

You or your child may have an allergy to milk protein only or both. This protein is not only found in the milk, but also in food. In addition, most of them are having a reaction to cow's milk are also allergic to milk of sheep, goat and buffalo. Those who have an allergy to cow's milk can also have an allergy to soy milk.

Risk factors
Certain factors can bring you to the risk of having a milk allergy, among others:
• Allergy another. Many children with milk allergies also have other allergies. Often milk allergy is the first to appear.
• Atopic dermatitis. Children with this type of skin reactions are more likely to have food allergies.
• Family history. You are at an increased risk of food allergies if one or both of your parents have allergies to food or other types of allergies.
• Age. Milk allergy is more common in children. The more you grow older, your digestion will be more mature and more resistant your body will react to milk.


There is no sure way to prevent food allergies occur for the first time. But you can prevent signs and symptoms by avoiding foods that cause your allergies. If you know you or your child is allergic to milk, be sure to avoid dairy products. Know what you or your child to eat and drink. Read the food labels carefully.

Several studies have shown that breast-feeding until the first four months of age babies can help prevent allergic to milk. In children who have had an allergy to milk, breast-feeding and the use of hypoallergenic formulas (formulas made from enzymes to destroy the milk protein) can prevent allergic reactions.

Myths and Archaeological findings Pyramid

Giant pyramids of Egypt is one of the seven wonders of the world today, has always been regarded as mysterious and majestic buildings by people. However, even though many years have passed, after the scholars and researchers using large number of tools are accurate and sophisticated, is still unknown, who actually has made a giant building high and majestic it? And derived from human intelligence is unimaginable performance in the building?

And what is its purpose to make the building? And in that time it has usability how or what it means? Puzzles that keep spinning in the minds of all people for thousands of years, from beginning to end is a mystery that can not be explained.

Although historians say it was founded in 2000 more SM, but this opinion can not even explain the concerns that are initiated by a large number of research findings.

Since the 6th century BC, Egypt was a runaway government Posh, who lost his seat after standing for more than 2,000 years, receives power from outside the kingdom of Greece, Rome, the Islamic government and the power of other nations.

While the large number of famous works of ancient days destroyed, character and religious beliefs of the Egyptians themselves were gradually replaced by other cultures, so that the ancient Egyptian culture to be receding and destroyed, later generations also lost a large number of relics that can decipher clues left by the predecessor.

In 450 BC, after a Greek historian around and fall in Egypt, whose writings: Cheops (Khufu Greek characters), he said, were destroyed after 50 years. Within certain limits the Greek historian is using the phrase "supposedly said", meaning that the truth needs to be shown again. However, since it is the opinion of the Greek historian even be quoted later generations as important evidence that the pyramid was built in the 4th dynasty.

During this time, historians assume that the pyramid is the tomb of the king. Thus, so talk about the pyramid, which in the minds of the unnoticed is jewelry and items that glitters. And, in the year 820 AD, when the governor-general of Islamic Cairo Caliph Al-Ma'mun led the team, was first dug a secret passageway and into the pyramid, and when the patient does not get into the room, the view looks even make it extremely disappointed.

Not only is no one thing that is usually buried with the corpse, like a pearl, and sculpture, even a piece of pottery fragments were not there, there was only an empty stone coffin that there is no cap. While the wall was only the empty net field, nor is there the slightest inscriptions.

Conclusion historians on performance first entered this pyramid is "experiencing robbery objects in the tomb". However, research results clearly indicate, the possibility of grave robbers get into the pyramid through the other road is very small. Under normal conditions, it is also not possible grave robbers can steal without leaving a trace, and more is no longer possible to delete the entire inscription Pharaoh depicted on the wall.

Compared with other tombs were generally filled jewelry treasures abound, a giant pyramid built to commemorate the greatness of Pharaoh be very different.

Moreover, in the note "Inventory Stela" stored in the Cairo museum, alluded that the pyramid has been there since the beginning before Khufu continue throne. However, because of the record on the hard stone inscriptions challenging the traditional view, there is a problem between research experts and ways of writing the book, taken together, strongly criticized the research.

Actually, within the limitations of historical record that can be obtained, if for a particular view and then set aside some historical evidence, has unwittingly hinder our objective in view of the position of actual history.

The Outstanding Building Techniques

In Egypt, there are so many pyramids of various sizes, the default is not only much smaller, its structure is too coarse. Among the pyramids were built in the reign of the 5th and 6th, many of which have been damaged or destroyed, become a heap of ruins, such as the pyramid of King Menkaure as shown.

Then, the great pyramids were built at an earlier time, in a powerful earthquake in the 13th century, where some stone walled outer side was destroyed, but due in part supported by the walls of the buffer, so that all the structures remain very strong.

Therefore, when building a giant pyramid, not just simply organize 3 million miles into a cone shape, if there are flaws in the design of this special construction, partially damaged, it can lead to entirely collapse because the weight is supported.

Anyway, how is the project of building a giant pyramid was done, remains a topic that makes dizziness scholars. In addition to considering the large number of stone and the energy required, the most important factor is the high point of the pyramid should be in the field of basic right above the midpoint of the 4 corners.

Because if all 4 corners sideways and slightly distorted, then when closing the cusp may not converge at one point, this means building project failed. Therefore, is a very important point, how to put a number of 2.3 million -2.6 million pieces of large stone that every stone weighs 2.5 tons from ground level to a height of more than one hundred meters in space and installed from beginning to end on right position.

As the author Graham Hancock in his essay "Fingerprint of God": In place staggered, on the one hand must balance the body, and the other side must move one at a stone weighing at least 2-fold into a small car above, transported to the right place, and leads right into place, whatever you have in mind workers carrier stones.

Although modern science has been estimated in various ways and allow the energy to build, but if they are considered real conditions, we find that these people must have the ability or physical strength superhuman, can only solve this gigantic project and ensure the accuracy and precision accuracy.

Against this, Jean Francois Champollion who gets the title as the "Father of Modern Knowledge of Ancient Egypt" estimates that the person who set up the pyramid unlike humans now, at least not in the "thinking they have a high body 100 feet tall like giants". He argued, in terms of making a pyramid, it is the result of the work of giants.

Similarly, Master Li Hongzhi in his lecture at the 2002 North American perimeter also never mentioned that possibility. "Man can not understand how the pyramids were built. Stone is so great how people transported?

Some of the giants whose height is five meters deliver something, it is with humans now move a large rock is the same. To build the pyramid, five meters tall man just like we are now building a large building. "

Thought so inevitably makes us imagine, that giant pyramid and a large number of giant ancient stone buildings that are found in various parts of the world have the same doubt bring to everyone: large and majestic high, formed by using a very large stone structure, even drafting very perfect.

Like for example, in the northern suburbs of Mexico there Sacsahuaman Castle compiled with giant stones weighing more than 100 tons, of which there is a giant rock that reaches 28 feet, estimated to weigh up to 360 tons (equivalent to 500 family cars).

And on the plains of southwestern England there are giant rock formation, surrounded by dozens of giant rocks and formed a large circle, in between some rocks reach 6 feet in height. Actually, that is how a group of men were they? Why always use the stone giant, and not using stone size in the range of our ability to build?

Sphinx, lion-faced man who is also an important object of research scientists, 20 meters high, 73 meters in overall length, is considered established by the government of Pharaoh Khafre the 4th. However, with the former being eaten by rust (erosion) on the surface of the body of the Sphinx, scientists estimate that the time of manufacture may be earlier, at least 10 thousand years ago before Christ.

A scholar John Washeth also argues: That giant pyramids and the Sphinx nearby neighbors with building the kingdom of the other 4 completely different, it was built during the more ancient than the government 4th time. In his book "Snakes Space", John Washeth forward: the development of Egyptian culture may not come from the Nile basin, but comes from a culture that earlier and more intense than the ancient Egyptians thousands of years ancient, cultural heritage bequeathed by our unknown .

This, in addition to building technologically reasons outlined earlier, and those found on the Sphinx severely affected has also proved this point.

Walle Rubich mathematician in "The Holy Science" shows: in 11,000 BC, the Egyptians must have had a great culture. At that time the Sphinx was there, because the lion-faced human body, in addition to the head, obviously there are former erosion. Estimates are in a terrible flood in 11,000 BC and heavy rain that alternates causing erosion scars.

Other estimates of erosion on the Sphinx is rain and wind. Washeth rule out the possibility of rain water, because during the past 9,000 years in highland peninsula, rain water is not always enough, and must trace back to a new year 10000 BC there were such bad weather.

Washeth also mengesam-pingkan possibility of erosion by wind, because other limestone building on the 4th time the government even did not experience the same erosion. Elephant-shaped writing and inscriptions left by the time of the ancient kingdom was no piece of rock that suffered severe erosion as happened in the Sphinx.

Boston University professor and expert in terms of rock erosion Robert S. also agree with the view Washeth also showed that: The Sphinx suffered erosion, there are some parts that depth reaches 2 meters, so that meander if viewed from the outside corner, like a wave, obviously an ex after a gust of wind and great for thousands of years.

Washeth and Robert S. also shows: Technology of the ancient Egyptians may not be able to carve out such a massive scale on a giant rock, art products technically complicated.

If the observed overall, we can logically conclude, that in ancient times, in the land of Egypt, there was once a highly developed culture, but because of the shifting plates of the earth's land submerged rocks in the ocean, and a very ancient culture at that time eventually eliminated, leaving the pyramids and Sphinx with a perfect building technology.

In the long term on the ocean floor, a giant pyramid and Sphinx suffered water immersion and erosion in a long time, is the direct cause which resulted in severe erosion on the Sphinx.

Because building materials giant pyramid peninsula is the result of human technology that does not know now, the ability to withstand water erosion far beyond natural stone, while the Sphinx was carved with whole natural stone, this may be the real cause of the giant pyramids eroded by sea water which is not visible from the surface.

Caption: Sphinx close neighbor of the giant pyramid seems to be very ancient. Scientists confirm that from the body, such as irrigation channels and water eroded, he had experienced some damp weather, therefore estimates that it is extremely likely to have been before 10 thousand years ago.

Gorbachev's perestroika policy in

Pretroika born because the faster development of the world, especially in the field of tehknologi and economics, which is no longer able to be followed by a social system of political autocracy and economic centralization of the Soviet Union. For nearly 70 years of autocracy sentralisasidaan pattern runs in the Soviet Union so as to make the Soviet Union lagged by at compare other capitalist countries. The advantages of the Soviet Union only in the military and national defense and aerospace tehknologi, but walkin in the field in direct contact with people's lives, such as socio-economic and political. As a result, the Soviet Union experienced a prolonged economic crisis.

Given the circumstances are such that the Soviet Union, the Gorbachev reforms in the spirit of issuing policies to change the old system, known as prestroika, Glasnost and Demokrtisasi. Prestroika aims to develop a new model of socialism which replaces the old economic models sisitem imposed by Stalin, known as the economic model of Stalin. Stalin's economic model as a command economic system and not rely on market forces as the deciding factor. As a result of Stalin's economic model raises the incidence of poverty among workers and keidakadian because in practice the use of force, seized the entire production of farmers without compensation.
There are 5 basic principles Prestroika, among others:
a). Foreclosure centralized system aimed at rationalization
Gorbachev believes that the role and dominance of the State in the agricultural sector should be reduced in this case is penggnaan Gosplan by way of structural changes and new apart fill the bureau of planning Economies (Gosplan), Ministry of foreign trade, Finance, Petroleum, perkebangan and industry.
b). Increased agricultural production by means of mechanisms and expansion
to cope with crop failure in 1984, the Gorbachev using kobinasi mechanism accompanied by perluaan land. Some fertile areas in the former Soviet region as Abasha district in Georgia and in the area of 1300 hectares Andigon District opened to agriculture.
c). Increasing labor productivity

on 16 Noodle, 1985, Gorbachev issued a decree ordering the massive unemployment the number of places allowed to sell alcoholic beverages. Authoring-liquor beverages during working hours, while sales in the shortening and increased the age limit above 21 years old are allowed to purchase and consume alcoholic beverages. Gorbachev's efforts to obtain the support of industry managers are aware of the consequences of alcoholism that affect work productivity. Because alcoholism until the citizen class workers.
d). Tehknologi infrastructure repair industry
namely through the application of new management and with sistaem modernization then legalized in the central committee plenary in June 1987 include:
  • Granting freedom in processing companies to implement the calculation of production costs and income, as well as payroll system in accordance with the work and the dynamics of labor relations.
  • Changing economic siste centralized and decentralized.
  • Pricing, costs and credit seta tenologi usage and quality measures ditenjtukan by a sort of free-market mechanisms.
  • Replace the centralized command system to menajeman democratic system, creating a mechanism that reinforces individual potesi.

Increased production, industrial growth rate and quality of consumer goods.

This work is done by creating a new organizational structure that is capable of covering the use of science and discovery tehknologi more directly in the production process to achieve international quality standards. And the use of science and technology invention is directed to the areas that are directly related to the needs of industry and society that peranian. In addition, Gorbachev also raise the salaries of scientists concerned and raise investment funds budget untukperkembangan civilian science and technology sector.

Economic reforms conducted by Gorbachev
Sector Industry of the Soviet Union has characteristics, namely: Leih centered on the target outcome or Val, inefficient or saving on raw materials, everything from and to peerintah in other words using state budget. The manager is trying to meet the targets of the gross profit, they do not think about the cost of production because of all the good ditanggungpemerintah mauoun profit and loss. Conditions such as these cause the workers are not compelled to work maximal and kreati or innovative, and not compelled to conserve raw materials. In fact, innovation tehkologi not occur because of changes tehknologi it does not happen because the system command. Innovator-innovators are not rewarded for innovation are hampering the achievement of Val (target gross) and they do not like to peletiha-pelaaatiahan human and machine-mesin.Sebelumnya replacement, the company can only produce primarily to the target plan with raw materials distributed to the tujan. In this reofrmasi industry company has the right to earn a profit, buy and sell raw materials dala wholesale price and make a contract with the potential buyer. So perussahaan-Soviet company will operate with the basic contract demand is determined not to meet the target gross (Val) in the case of the Soviet Union era sebelumnya.Pemerintah more concerned with military industries and sectors angkas outside so that the pad is very advanced Soviet Union to be able to compete with the United States .
Agricultural sector
Gorbchev had a suggestion untu rent fields to farm families for a period of 50 years. The rental system can increase the flexibility of options such as the type of crop, thus allowing family farmers to cope with the market demand better than when menajeman collective farms mentukan what should be produced by the farmer. So that farmers only pay the rent, and can memuuskan in production and investment alone.
Cooperatives Sector Cooperative Act was passed providing the type of market environment for channeling resources into activities koprasi. Equipment, labor services and the purchase of a bank-financed business premises if necessary and collectively owned. This sector can apply force to the economic reforms kerja.Tantangan one of which comes from one of the workers who are at risk of losing jobs and are generally determined by the people who are not biased to enjoy improvements in their living standards.

Success Rate of Economic Reform
When conducted by Gorbachev Mikhail Gorbachev announced prestroika in July 1987, he described it as a radical overhaul of economic management. That recipe soviet welfare of the people who have decades stranded under the dictatorship of the proletariat. Besides Gorbachev calls for acceleration, namely an overhaul must go hand in hand with economic growth so that there is no reason to sacrifice the welfare of the people for personal or group interests.
In order reshuffle not run recklessly, Gorbachev established a committee of economic overhaul led by Leonid I Albakin. This institution is responsible jawb on launching and monitoring every development and implementation prestroika.

But unfortunately somewhat reality does not match the dream, because it turns out the people of the Soviet people suffer even more. This is evident from the dilakuakan revenue collection by the National Public Opinion Research Center (PROPN) in November 1989, as many as 52% of respondents chose the Soviet economic situation worsened for 2 or 3 years prestroika running. According to 86% of respondents rate the supali food and consumer goods increasingly scarce. While in The Washington Post, a Swedish judge that the economy of the Soviet ekonimi tend to deteriorate.
There are many things that cause prestroika hampered, among others:

a) At least supply of food and fuel
b) The high harag consumer goods and not affordable by the people who earn only about US $ 300
c) The existence of organized crime and the shadow economy (black market)
d) The lack becusan officials, corruption rampant
e) There will be a coup carried out by groups that do not like Gorbachev.

But do not blame Gorbachev of the Soviet people, they blame the government bureaucracy that impede the course of economic development.
To overcome obstacles and improve the economy, Gorbachev remove the price control system and introducing free market system. However, it resulted in the prices of goods soared so soon reinstated price control system. It shows that Gorbachev difficulties to cope with the economic situation in the Soviet Union. It can be said prestroika running slow and not in accordance with planned. This is because Russian society can not accept reforms, still attached to the old bureaucratic and old habits would be a totalitarian system that for years delete the Soviet people should be subject to the political system. The workers are familiar with the nature of egalitarianism and suspicious of reforms designed and officials prefer centralism.


Since 1945 there is chaos the world with the war. Among them is the Pacific war that caused many casualties among the Americans and the Japanese, the Americans were victims of about 899,000 inhabitants and the Japanese side as much as 1,100,000 inhabitants. In America at that time a change which originally held by President FD Roosevelt was replaced by S. Thurman. President Roosevelt was replaced because he died of a brain hemorrhage.
Battle of Okinawa is because Japan attacked the US Navy around the territorial waters of Japan. Battle casualty of the Americans themselves as much as 79,000 inhabitants, Japan as much as 131,000 civilian lives and as many as 150,000 lives. As a result of the Okinawa war, Americans create weapons of mass destruction, namely three Uranium bombs. But the new president of the United States, namely S. Thurman still hesitant to give authorization to use the powerful weapon by reason of fear of violating the Geneva agreements. The president opinion contrary to the opinion of American military officials who agreed with the use of the bomb, the reason may terminate perrang which has lasted a very long time.
On May 19, 1945 Germany was defeated by the Americans in Europe, with this victory makes the United States seeks to intimidate Japan to immediately surrender unconditionally. It does not get a response from the Japanese side to make America upset and launch an attack against Japan continuously. One is the destruction of Tokyo, the destruction seen by Emperor Hirohito. The number of casualties and damage caused by the American attack made him want war ends soon.
In the US, the government collects the Scientist and Senior Officials state to discuss whether the bomb should be used or not. Finally, the use of weapons of mass destruction is enacted with the purpose of attacking military installations and residential areas of Japan. Once approved a new question arises "Where is the location of the bomb to be dropped?" And the city of Hiroshima was chosen because the city is considered important by the Japanese city.

American scientists are making three bomb, codenamed "Manhattan Project" on proposals Mayjend. Manhattan. Before being used to destroy the Japanese, the bomb tested and the result was more devastating and unexpected. With the results of these trials Russia tried to persuade Japan to make peace with the Americans. But the Japanese are not willing to make peace with the Americans, the Japanese statement made Americans more seriously to prepare an attack against Japan.
On August 6, 1945 weapons of mass destruction is dropped on the city of Hiroshima, and make the city fall apart. The success is regarded by the Americans as the end of the war. Having trouble Hiroshima, Russia stole the opportunity to attack the Japanese-controlled Manchuria and the attack managed to fall into the hands of Russian Manchuria. Peghancuran city of Hiroshima by the Americans did not make Japan surrender. Finally, the Americans dropped the weapons of mass destruction to Japan's final, this time dropped on the city of Nagasaki on August 9, 1945.
In the second bombing does not make Japan surrender officials, especially General Anamy. They want to continue to fight the Americans on the grounds it is the last bomb owned by Americans. But the reason it was rejected by the General of the emperor, the emperor had his own reasons. Emperor fear of falling victim more banyal longer than the civilians. Japan finally surrendered to the Allies. Feels like a failure and could not give a victory for Japan, General Anamy rather die with honor than to be a prisoner of the enemy. Finally, General Anamy commit suicide Japanese tradition that Haragiri.


Rabies is a deadly virus that is spread from the saliva of infected animals. The rabies virus is usually transmitted through the bite. Once someone shows signs and symptoms of rabies, the condition is usually fatal approach. For this reason, a vaccine to stop the rabies virus given to those who have a risk of rabies.

Rabies does not cause signs or symptoms until the late stages of the disease, often only a few days before death. Signs and symptoms include:
• Fever
• Headache
• Easy to anger
• Restlessness
• Confusion
• Difficulty swallowing
• Excessive Saliva
• Fear of the water (hydrophobia) due to difficulty in swallowing
• Hallucinating
• Insomnia
• Paralysis partially
Causes & Risk Factors


Rabies infection caused by rabies virus. The virus is transmitted through the saliva of an infected animal. Infected animals can transmit the virus by biting other animals or humans. The virus is also transmitted through saliva where it can hit an open wound or mucous membranes, such as the eyes or mouth.

Animals that can transmit rabies virus include:
• Cats
• Cattle
• Dogs
• Weasel
• Goats
• Rabbits
• Kelalawar
• Beavers
• Change
• Apes
• Raccoons

risk factors

Factors that can increase your rabid among others:
• travel to a place where rabies is common, such as Africa and Southeast Asia.
• Activities that make you come into contact with wild animals that may be infected with rabies.
• Working in a laboratory with the rabies virus
• Wounded in the head or neck that can make it easier rabies virus reaches the brain


You can reduce the risk of contact with animals that may have rabies by:
• vaccinate your pet.
• Keep your pet remains protected.
• Report if there are wild animals in your area to local authorities.
• Do not approach wild animals.
• Make sure your home is closed and there are no loopholes for wild animals can get into your home.
• Consider rabies vaccine when you travel.


Influenza is a viral infection that attacks the respiratory system, including the nose, throat, bronchial and lung.

If you get the flu, you will feel unwell for a few days, but you probably will not experience complications with other diseases or you may require hospitalization. If you have a weak immune system or chronic disease, the flu can be fatal. For those with a high risk of flu, then the first line of defense is the injection / annual flu vaccine.
Actually, flu-like common cold with a runny nose, sneezing and throat swelling. But colds usually develop slowly, and flu came suddenly. Although colds can be a nuisance, you are usually more concerned about the flu.

Some of the signs and symptoms that are common in the flu:
Fever over 38 Celsius in adults, and often up to 39.5 Celsius to 40.5 Celsius in children.
Chills and sweating.
Dry cough.
Muscle pain, especially on the back, arms and legs
Fatigue and weakness
Nasal congestion
Loss of appetite
Diarrhoea and vomiting in children

Causes & Risk Factors

Flu viruses are spread through the air when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talk. You can inhale the virus directly, or through an object such as a phone or computer keyboard, and then deliver them to the eyes, nose or mouth.

Flu is caused by three types of viruses - influenza A, B, and C. Type A causes deadly flu pandemic (an epidemic in the hemisphere) that strikes every 10 to 40 years. Type B causes a pandemic with a smaller scale. Type A or B can cause the flu every winter circulation. Type C is never associated with a large epidemic.

Type C is quite stable, but type A and B are constantly changing and raises new concerns for the community on a regular basis. Once you have the flu, the antibodies will suppress the cause, but it will not protect you from the virus that has mutated. That's why doctors recommend a flu shot every year.
risk factors
Increased risk of flu or complicating if you:

Infants or children
Aged over 50 years
Have a chronic illness, such as diabetes or janung disease, kidney disease, or lung.
Having a weak immune system, such as HIV-AIDS.
Pregnant when will the flu season
Residents in care centers.
Working in the care center.
Regularly perform in close contact with infants or children.

Children who use aspirin for a long time also can increase with greater risk. The flu vaccine is safe for children aged 6 months or more. If your child is not at risk but stay with people who have these risks, you still have to give the vaccine to your child. The way your child will reduce the risk of infection. More and more people are immunized, fewer flu will spread in a community.


Use the regular flu shot every year. The right time for vaccination is currently before the peak of flu season. It took two weeks for the body to build up the body's immune system from the vaccine. Ask your doctor right time.

Keep in mind that the flu vaccine will not eliminate the risk of catching a cold, especially in adults. But this vaccine can reduce the risk of catching a cold. Based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), if the current flu vaccine and circulating influenza outbreak close, the flu vaccine will be effective between 70% to 90% to protect.

It is less effectiveness in adults. Health experts recommend vaccination in people over 50 years since the vaccine will reduce the risk of flu complications, hospital care and death.

Cusi hand. Hand washing is the best way to prevent infection with the common cold. Rub your palms at least 15 seconds, Soap correctly and close the faucet using a tissue. Or use gel alcohol-based hand sanitizers at least 60 percent alcohol content.

Eat properly and sleep regularly. Poor diet and lack of sleep weakens your immunity and cause you more vulnerable to infection. A balanced diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, wheat or rice, and foods containing protein is the best for many people. Adequate sleep and regularly also need to immune system health. In general, adults are very good night's sleep for 7 to 8 hours. Children and adolescents need to sleep the night of 9 to 10 hours.

Exercise regularly. Cardiovascular train regularly - walking, cycling, aerobics - boost your immune system. Sports can not prevent infection, but if you have the flu, you will be less likely to develop a severe impact and recover more quickly than those who do not fit.

Avoid crowds when flu season. Flu spreads easily wherever people gather many - in care centers, schools, offices, auditoriums and public transportation. Avoid crowds during the flu season will reduce your chance of flu.
