Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Disintergrasi Western Roman Empire is a major crisis in the history of western civilization so terbentangnya gap between classical and medieval times, but in fact the two are intertwined times a line of continuity.
Periodization of the history of civilization is really just a way to understand the differences in the fundamental aspects of culture. Medieval beginning of the collapse of the Western Roman Empire until the fall of Constantinople in 1453. The medieval commonly called Dark Ages.
Among the outstanding scholars of medieval belief that is the period favorable for the development of mankind. Many medieval times referred to as the dark ages, but although called dark ages, medieval not without a significant achievement for the development of the western nations.
Byzantine Empire
Byzantine Empire was a continuation of the Roman Empire in the Middle Ages. Although the number of the elements of the Roman Empire we can not simply say when the Roman Empire ended and when the Byzantine Empire was born.
There have been many misunderstandings about Byzantium. General history book states that "Rome fell in 476" Byzantium did not produce anything, so the Middle Ages called the dark ages. The person who is responsible for this mistake is Edward Gibbon (1794) who wrote his masterpiece "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" which was published shortly before the French revolution occurred.

How does the fact that the truth?
After the collapse of the Roman, Byzantine civilization is the bastion of Western Europe from attack enemies who are trying to break through the walls of Constantinople. Despite trying intruded Byzantine showed prowess. During the bars are not able to attack Constantinople, the rescue efforts of European civilization remains. Furthermore, Byzantium successfully blocked the road from Asia to Europe in order to deter people Arap Islam will spread to eastern and central Europe.

Geography Byzantium.
This area covers Greece, the Balkans south, west Asia to the Valley of the Euphrates-Tigris, Egypt and parts of Italy. Until the 15th century, the Byzantine territory undermined by other enemies. Byzantine power Akkihrnya just stay in the form of a small path along the north shore of the Bosporus and Dardanelles, including Constantinople.

Economic Aspects
Although the economy in the Mediterranean region in decline, Byzantium remained prosperous. This is where the old glory of Greek economy continues.
Silk production and manufacturing industries silk goods is the main strut Byzantine economy. Manufacturing industry was built in Constantinople, Tyre and Beirut. Excellence in equipment allows traders to monopolize Byzantine silk trade is up to western Europe.

The city was founded by the emperor Kostantin (337). North it is bordered by the Golden Horn (Wall Gold), Marmora Sea to the south and east of the Bosporus Strait. This wall is called Kostantin wall, built in 324 to 330.
Magnificent buildings built in the eastern part of the peninsula. This is where the market is built open highway called Augustaeum Forum. In the market that stands Milestone gold (Golden Milestone). In addition to highway market also built Zeuxippus pool, house senate, where the bishops, as well as the palace of Constantinople. On the west Forum Augestaeum are Hippodrome, a giant race. At the north end there Kathisma, where the emperor watch horse races. Not far from where the race stands a church of St. Sophia.
Along with the development of business activity, was born the new social groups. They are the notary, goldsmiths, bankers, merchants silk, linen merchants, agents perfume, candle makers, and so forth.

Persian and Byzantine influence on.
Byzantine Empire actually borrowed the idea of governance of the Sassanid rulers. Government formed by the Emperor Diocletian came from Persia. And all the rigor of the law or justice, officials bow to the king and the other comes from the Persian. In the reign of Alexander the Great, the Persian decline, suddenly rose kembaliketika Ardashir I seize power.
Ancient Persian religion of Zoroaster, for five centuries Persians were defeated pleh Alexzander Court turns survive. With the persistence of religion, they hardly terpengatuh teaching Greek and Roman mystery religions and Christianity.
To demonstrate the power, the king wearing a crown and dressed in sparkling, all of the attributes terbua of gold and silver. So much for the absolute power of the king to the extent that people would have to walk with a knee mengahdap. These regulations must be obeyed absolutely.

Church "Caesaropapisme"
Byzantium was a Christian empire. The Church as an institution is handled by the board consisting of a bishop, archbishop, clergy, abbots, monks and nuns.
Bishop or Patriarch of Constantinople is the head of the church under the terms of appointed and elected by the board of the diocese, but the fact appointed by the emperor
Indeed patriarch was the one who crowned the emperor, but it was not his capacity as head of the emperor gerejamelainkan as the main residents. Then the emperor became a representative of God on earth. Then a church confronted as church-state. Control over a church is called "Caesaropapisme" - typical Byzantine conception.

Military History of Byzantium
As is known, the Byzantines have unparalleled economic assets. Cash income is relatively abundant. With such a wealth of allowing Byzantium had regular troops, who number as many as 120,000 members, they are trained and gain prjurit regular salary.
In the face of greater danger, in addition to using the regular army troops also coupled with a rental. They came from the Varangians who sells his services to the emperor of Constantinople. They are usually equipped bow cavalry troops and tomabak.
The role of the Navy in maintaining the glory of Byzantium is equally important. Byzantine navy capable of repelling the Arab armies of Constantinople, many times did they bow pirate ship Arabic. In 961 they captured the island of Crete from the hands of the Arabs.

The enemies of Byzantium.
The enemies of Byzantium, among others, is oran southern Slavs who inhabited the valley of the Danube. They crossed the river in secret and ultimately into the Balkans and occupied the fertile areas that are not populated. Towards the 6th century they eventually found their way into Greece
Another enemy, the Huns devastated the peninsula of Constantinople, the Avars occupied the middle of the Danube Valley and the Balkans.
Slavs and other nomadic tribes are not able to resist the Byzantine forces were pretty solid. But this is far berbedda with enemies in the valley of the Euphrates-Tigris. During the four centuries of relations with the Persian Sassanid dynasty in the form of hostility. The most severe war is between the Emperor Justinian of Byzantium with Khosru King of Persia.

Intellectual life in Byzantium
Each Anggita of Constantinople believe that a good education is inevitable for citizenship. Boys aged six years was introduced in Greek grammar, then they are trained to fabricate in Greek Attika, reading classic works, as well as memorizing long poems of Homer.
In the age of 14 years they taught rhetoric. They were introduced to the orator, prose writer, and philosopher. Geometry, arithmetic, astronomy and music, four subjects in western Europe known as the Quadrivium. Library of classic works constructed in various places, as well as schools.
In the 10th century scholar named Suidas managed to compile a dictionary and encyclopedia that contains important quotations from great literature. Other scholars are Michael Psellus regarded as a kind of resurrection platoisme, because he so admired Plato.

Byzantium is successful in the fields of trade, warfare, administration and peratanian. But in science bindang they reissued the old science, for example in the field of kedoteran.
A praktikus else worth noting is the surgeon Paul of Aegina, who wrote Epitome, which contains a summary of the knowledge of the doctor in his day. He is an expert in tonsillectomy, chest infections and so forth.

Byzantine art
In the history of Byzantine art to occupy the highest position. Konstantinpel filled with magnificent buildings of worship of Christians, the building that is the crowning achievement of Byzantine architecture. After the official Christianity in 312, named Basilica scattered buildings in the area of the East. The building was roofed dome-shaped giant carefully compiled made of stone.
Feature kahs Byzantine building is multiplicity-greatness that provide impressive effects, above all, as written Charles Diehl in The Cambridge Medieval History.
Figures depicted almost everything to do with religion. Byzantine art is basically art grafts. The elements taken tentangga provinces, but the most dominant are from Greece. From Syria they took the idea of the dome. From Persia they adopt animals da plant design.

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